Thursday, July 7, 2011

Zucchini "pasta" salad

I began using a peeler to create fun and light strips of vegetables a few months ago. It began with carrot strings in salads and has elevated to this beautiful dish. By using a peeler on vegetables, you can create light and visually attractive dishes instead of the typical chunky vegetables seen in dishes. This Zucchini "pasta" salad is light and healthy. It makes a fantastic side dish, and is great for summer picnics. I usually serve this with a light fish dish, but it is so tasty that I have even eaten it as a light meal.

The word zucchini comes from the Italian zucchino, meaning a small squash. The term squash comes from the Indian skutasquash meaning "green thing eaten green." Zucchini, Cucurbita pepo, is a member of the cucumber and melon family. Inhabitants of Central and South America have been eating zucchini for several thousand years, but the zucchini we know today is a variety of summer squash developed in Italy.

Zucchini had a reputation in the past as not being very nutritional. However, according to Ruth Litchfield, a nutrition expert at Iowa State University, one cup of cooked zucchini with its skin on provides 13 percent of the potassium recommended in the daily diet, as well as up to 19 percent of the vitamin C and up to 9 percent of the fiber. Zucchini is also high in carotenoids, which have been proven to ward off chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. Even zucchini flowers provide some vitamin A, calcium and fiber.

Zucchini also had a reputation as being bland. However, by choosing smaller sized, organic zucchini, you can enjoy a tasty and less watery vegetable.

Zucchini "pasta" salad

(Note: Everything to taste)

Zucchini squash
Extra virgin olive oil
White vinegar
Dried red chili flakes
Lemon juice
Salt and white pepper


Use a vegetable peeler to create "pasta" strips from the zucchini. Mix all other ingredients to taste, and whisk to combine. Toss zucchini in the vinaigrette and allow to sit for at least ten minutes prior to serving.

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