Friday, December 3, 2010

BLT & poached egg salad

I'm calling this my contracts power brunch.
I finished my civil procedure exam yesterday, and am now preparing for my contracts exam scheduled for Monday. Contracts is the course that I am most worried about. I think I am too mathematical in my contracts reasoning. It must be the science background. After the practice midterm, I was told that I need to be more creative and not miss the forest for the trees. So, I am nervous for this upcoming exam. To help quell my nerves, I made a delicious salad incorporating some of my favorite ingredients (bacon & eggs) with chamomile flowers, which are allegedly nerve calming and soothing. The recipe is below; I have to get back to my friends Epstein and Emanuel, Enjoy!
Note: there is no butter in this salad. Gasp! Boo! Hiss! Buttered toast is a nice addition.

handful of mixed greens
six cherry tomatoes, halved
small bunch of sprouts
tsp or so of feta
1 piece of bacon, cut into half or smaller pieces
two eggs
2 tsp chamomile flowers (if you don't have them loose, you can use a bag of chamomile "tea")
Dash of hot sauce (I used Gator Hammock)
salt & pepper to taste

Add chamomile flowers to your pot of poaching water, and bring it to the point where it is just about to boil, but not to a boil. Fry your bacon and poach your eggs. If you don't know how to poach eggs, go to my prior blog post here. Layer your salad ingredients and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then top with bacon and eggs. Put a dash of hot sauce on the eggs. The runny egg yolk will mix with the hot sauce and create your dressing; no need for additional salad dressing.

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